International scientific and practical conference

    • International scientific and practical conference

      Within the framework of the traditional «Nurpeisov’s readings» on March 29, 2023 an international scientific and practical conference «Modern trends in the development of teaching the History of Kazakhstan in the context of the digital transformation of the educational environment»will be held, dedicatedin honor of the outstanding scientist, academician, doctor of historical sciences, professor, honored worker of science and technology of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Nurpeis Kenes Nurpeisovich,

      The main directions of the conference:

      Working directions of the conference:

      1. Actual problems of education and science: theoretical and practical aspects.

      2. Digital learning and information technologies in education.

      3. Innovative technologies in pedagogical activity in the era of digitalization.

      4. Moral and patriotic education of youth is an integral part of modern education.

      5. Modern society and prospects for the development of teacher education.

      To participate in the conference are invited: scientists, teachers of universities, secondary schools, doctoral students, master is students, articles of undergraduate students are accepted in collaboration with the supervisor.

      Working languagesof the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.

      Deadline for submission of articles: March 20, 2023.

      Form of conduct: full-time and on the platform ZOOM

      Beginning: 10:00.

      Conference IDs:947 2923 9306, access code: 2020


      Keynote speaker:doctor of historical sciences, prof. K.D.Saipova., National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent.
