Republican Subject Olympiad among university students in the group of educational programmes 6B11102-Cultural and Leisure Work..

    • Republican Subject Olympiad among university students in the group of educational programmes 6B11102-Cultural and Leisure Work..

      We invite you to the Republican Subject Olympiad called "NEW KAZAKHSTAN - NEW PASSION" among students of higher educational institutions conducted at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, 6B11102-Cultural and Leisure Work educational programmes groups.

      The purpose of the Olympics is to improve the knowledge and professional skills of students, identify talented young people and increase their creative potential, development of knowledge and skills of students in educational programmes groups 6B11102-Cultural and leisure work, as well as observation of the professional competence of future professionals.


      2. The tasks of the Olympiad:

      • Encouraging learning and research abilities of students;

      • Discovering knowledge and creativity to reveal the personal and professional capabilities of the students;

      • Fostering civic awareness among students;

      • Forming an active and professional link to improve the education system;

      • Forming professional relations between participants;

      • Increase the interest of learners in the educational programme groups 6B11102-Cultural and leisure work, and create conditions for developing a creative and active attitude among the participants;

      • Introduction of innovations in development of professional and creative potential of future specialists.


      3. The procedure of the Republican Subject Olympiad on the group of educational programmes 6B11102-Cultural and Leisure Work:

      The organisers will provide: technical equipment, led screen, lighting and other necessary equipment.

      Guided by the educational program of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republican Subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions on the group of educational programs 6B11102-Cultural and leisure work is conducted on the basis of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, Institute of "Social-Humanitarian Sciences and Arts", Department of "Choreography and Art Management".

      All students of a course may participate in the Republican Subject Olympiad. In order to participate in the subject Olympiad, there should be no more than 10-12 students in each group.

      Subject Olympiad in the group of educational programmes 6B11102-Cultural and leisure work is focused on disclosure of profound theoretical knowledge of students, use of their professional skills and organizational abilities and definition of level of preparation of future specialists in using modern methods of organization and management in the system of cultural and leisure institutions.

      The subject Olympiad is held in two stages: individual and group.

      Stage I:

      Participants of the Olympiad "NEW KAZAKHSTAN - NEW PASSING!" in group of educational programs 6B11102-Cultural and leisure work, present the scientific and creative project on the theme.

      The aim, the problem, the solutions and the expected results of the project should be stated. The duration of this topic is 10 minutes and compliance with the time limit is compulsory.  Interactive tools (videos, presentation, photos, etc.) can be used during the defence. The project can be presented in Kazakh, Russian or English.

                  Criteria for the assessment of scientific and creative project work:

      50 points

      The content of the science project is fully disclosed and it is considered to be an important, topical projec;

      40-50 points

      The scientific meaning of the topic of the science project is revealed, and the aim and objective of the scientific apparatus are indicated;

      25-40 points

      The content of the research and development project is disclosed, but the aim and objective of the research apparatus are not fully specified;

      10-25 points

      The content of the science project is not disclosed, its aim and objective are not clear and it is not considered an important project.


      II stage:

      Participants of Olympiad in group of educational programs 6B11102-Cultural and leisure work, present thematic performance on the theme "NEW KAZAKHSTAN - NEW SPRING!" When assessing the creative work, students comprehensively show the knowledge and skills acquired during the educational process in the disciplines "Directing", "Acting", "Stage Language", "Stage Performance Technique", "Vocal", "Choreography". , etc. The time for each creative work should be at least 15-20 minutes.

      Criteria for the assessment of creative work:

      The group creative work of the participants in this round is assessed with 50 points.

      50 points

      The director's idea is executed at a very high level and the plot is professionally staged;

      40-50 points

      The creative work is staged to a high standard and has a high artistic value and directorial solution;

      25-40 points

      If the artistic value of the creative work is fully revealed, but the compositional and directorial solution of the performance is not fully realise;

      10-25 points

      The thematic content of the creative work is not revealed, the idea and artistic value of the script is not fully disclosed;


      4.  Jury of the Republican Subject Olympiad in the group of educational programmes 6B11102-Cultural and Leisure Work:

      The composition of the jury of the Republican Subject Olympiad, held on the group of educational programs 6B11102-Cultural and leisure work, includes: academicians with academic titles and degrees, honored artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, figures of culture and professionally qualified specialists.

      The winners will be decided by the jury.

      The chairman of the jury has the right to 2 /two/ votes in case of a tie between two or more teams.

       5. The order of summing up the results of creative works of the republican subject olympiads on the group of educational programmes 6B11102-Cultural and leisure work: 

        The winners will be awarded special diplomas and letters of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      1st  place - 1;

      2nd  place - 2;

      3rd  place - 3.

      6. Organising committee of the subject olympiad:

      An organising committee will be formed to solve organisational, methodological and artistic-creative tasks in the process of conducting and preparing the subject Olympiad in the group of educational.

      he Organizing Committee formalizes the term and form of the Olympiad, aims and conditions of the evaluation of the tasks, appoints the persons responsible for the evaluation and verification of the tasks according to the developed aims and conditions, considers the appeals received from the participants.

      The results of the Republican Subject Olympiad will be discussed with all participants of the Olympiad at the scientific and methodological meeting.

      The time and place:

      The Republican Subject Olympiad will be held at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University (Almaty), 30-31 March 2023.

      The applications of the participants of the Subject Olympiads shall be accepted until 25 March 2023.

      The costs for travel, accommodation and meals of the participants must be covered by the sending universit.

      In charge: Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Institute of Social and Humanitarian Sciences and Arts, Department of Choreography and Art Management.

      Application for participation in the Olympia.

      Name of university __________________________________________________

      Team name______________________________________________

      Team captain _______________________________________________

      Name Surname of participant











      Name of team leader

      1. Academic degree, academic rank:

      2. Honorary title:

      3. Position:

      4. Contact details, mobile phone number:

      Note: In order to avoid mistakes when filling in the diplomas, please provide scanned copies of the competitors' and team leader's identity documents together with the application form, as well as a certificate from the educational institution for team members and a certificate from the workplace stating the degree and rank for the team leader.

             Senior Lecturer, Master's Degree                                           lecturer, master's degree

           Kospagarova Asem Kabidoldayeva                  Duysenbay Zhamilya Ahmet-Alikyzy

                       +7 701 472 32 59                                                                 +7 775 455 08 06


      Performer Aytuganova

