• Education

    • About the department

      With a history of 60 years (since 1963), the Music” department annually works on the fields of History and Theory of Music,” “Kazakh Music,” and Theory and Methodology of Music Teaching.” Established and developed under the leadership of the prominent composer, the first head of the department, Baqytzhan Bayqadamov. Over the years, the department has been led by composers Ö.Baidildaev, D.Botbayev, professors R.Zhardemaliyeva, Sh.B.Qulmanova, PhD, Professor T.Konyratbay. Currently, the chairperson of the department is the academician of the Kazakhstan Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, A.A.Beisembayeva.

      The main goal of the department is to study, develop, and teach in the field of national musical culture. Working within the framework of the updated curriculum, the department actively expands the methodology of music education in schools, studies the creative heritage of Kazakh composers, and conducts educational programs and national concerts.

      Educational programs of the department, such as Musical Education” (Bs), Traditional Musical Art” (Bs), Musical Education” (Ms), have been accredited for 5 years by the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IARA). According to the results of the rating by the National Agency for the Quality Assurance of Education (NAQA), the Musical Education” (Ms) program takes the first place. These results indicate the high quality of the departments work in training qualified specialists.

      The department actively collaborates with foreign and domestic universities, such as Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Çukurova University in Adana (Turkey), V.A.Bosikov Higher School of Music in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kyzylorda State University named after H.Dosmukhamedov, Atyrau University named after H.Dosmukhamedov. Cooperation among higher education institutions includes the exchange of knowledge and experience of students and masters students, as well as the organization of scientific and pedagogical conferences.


      The mission of the department is to create a unified musical, pedagogical and social environment, to form a professional personality that can independently and effectively solve the tasks set in the conditions of the developing economy of Kazakhstan. The development strategy of the department is the preparation of innovative educational programs and projects aimed at the formation of new competence-based techniques for the modernization of the educational process of the department.

      International relations

      Department maintains communication and cooperation with foreign universities: the University of Chukurov Conservatory of Adana (Turkey) and the Higher School of Music of the RS (Yakutia) (Institute) named after V.A.Bosikov which students are exchanged under the academic mobility program.

      Educational programs

        • Beisembayeva Altynai Abdikhanovna

          Position: Leader of the educational program.Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, assoc.Professor.

        • Information

        Beisembayeva Altynai Abdikhanovna

        Position: Leader of the educational program.Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, assoc.Professor. Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan


        Beisembayeva Altynai Abdikhanovna is a graduate of the Alma–Ata Kurmangazy State Conservatory. In 1989 she graduated from the Faculty of Kazakh Folk instruments with a degree in Dombra with the qualification of concert performer, teacher. She began her professional career in 1988 as an artist of the Kurmangazy Orchestra. In 1990, she worked as a dombra teacher at the DMSH No. 1 in Almaty.  In 1999, she entered the full-time department of the graduate school of ASU named after Abai. In 2004, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Patriotic education of high school students by means of the Kazakh heroic epic", specialty 13.00.01 - General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogy". In 2007 By the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification in the Field of education and Science, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty of pedagogy. In 2017, she graduated from the Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages. In 2021 She was awarded for the preparation of the Prometheus participating team in the All-Russian International Student Olympiad "Pedagogy: Effective educational practices". Developer of an educational program in the field of personnel training 6B01-7M01-8D01. Since 2022, Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan. In 2023 Awarded the title of KR Kurmetti Azamaty.  Since 2023, he has been a leading researcher of the research project of the IRN AR 19678793 on the topic "Training of competitive music teachers in the conditions of modernization and renewal of the system of music and pedagogical education" for grant funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


        • Alma-Ata State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy. (1984-1989)
        • Postgraduate course of Almaty State National Pedagogical University named after Abai (1999-2002)
        • Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan. (2015-2017)


        • higher professional education, patriotic education of the younger generation, innovations in education.
        • modern music and pedagogical education.


        • Since 2018, he has been a member of the editorial board of the international scientific and pedagogical journal "Humanitarian Treatise", which is part of the "Pluto Publishing House" Kemerovo. Russia.


        Articles with Impact Factor-5

        • Enhancement of professional communicative competence of future specialists - Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences/- Medwell Journals.2017
        • Formation of Cognitive Activity among Students in professional Competence Formation- Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences/- Medwell Journals.2017 №12(3) c. 769-774
        • The opportunities of Kazakh National Culture in The Formation of Value Orientations of Students- Procedia Social-behavioral sciences - (Scopus, Thomson) No.185 (2015); p.432- 436.
        • Methodological problems of ethno-cultural studies- The modern applied sciences-(Canada) Scopus Vol. 7, No.6;2015 p.249- 254. N
        • The Patriotism Education Content at The Present Stage Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 141 (2014)

        Monograph – 1; Educational post - 2 "training of teachers in the conditions of personal-oriented education: theory and practice"; authors: M. A. Kusainova, K. M. Kalieva, A. A. and Dr.; Higher School of pedagogy. The Department Of Internal Affairs Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan Number of scientific publications-more than 100;

        Articles for 2015-2023gg:

        • Critical mousing of future teachers as an important professional culture teacher. Series "pedagogy and psychology" №3 (24) 2015.98-103 STR. Scientific and methodological Journal of KAZNPU named after Abaya;
        • Personality formation of the central orientation of schools. School of Kazakhstan, 12-2015. pp. 36-38;
        • The pedagogical solution of student’s media literacy’s formation in the system of higher education. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology" №2 (31) 2017.STR. 98-103. Scientific and methodological Journal of KAZNPU named after Abaya;
        • The Paradigm approach to the development of personality in the provision of innovative and oriented training of students. Kaznu im.Al-Farabi. Article for the anniversary of Sh. Taubayev 2017;
        • Preparation of future leaders of the project "Self-Realization", as a factor of dynamic development of the public. Cheboksary: OOO "Educational Center "Initiative", 2017. – 193 P;
        • Humanistic foundations of pedagogy in the implementation of spiritual and moral qualities of students.  Scientific journal "humanitarian treatise" Vypusk No. 21 2018. Kemerovo. Russia;
        • Progress requirements for future specialists (English language teachers) is the modern world’s demand. Bulletin of yassawi University scientific journal No. 1(111) 2019. pp. 85-94;
        • Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of Foreign Cultural Relations of students at the intersection of scientific and popular journal Science and life of Kazakhstan №1, 2019. pp. 82-87;
        • The role of self-education in the development of teachers ' professional competence Bulletin of Yassawi University scientific journal No. 1(111) 2019. pp. 182-193;
        • Trends in the development of modular training in World Science and practice. Bulletin of the Eurasian humanitarian Institute Astana, No. 2, 2019. - P.79-83;
        • The characteristics of person-oriented educational training method Colloquium-journal No. 5 (29), 2019 Warsaw, Poland. Pp. 46-48;
        • Characteristics of the ways of training teachers for the deployment of training as a person-oriented international.scientific journal "Austria-science" 2 Part No. 23/2019. pp. 13-16;
        • Forms and methods of patriotic education of students of extracurricular primary classes. Almaty, 2022. PED.Bulletin of Science Series № 3 (75) Kaznpu named Abaya;
        • Issues of training teachers-musicians in the conditions of an inclusive educational process. Almaty, 2023. PED.Bulletin of Science Series № 1 (77) Kaznpu named Abaya and etc.


        • Integrated training for professional and pedagogical training of students. Systematic modernization of pedagogical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems, ways to solve", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 85th anniversary of Science of Kazakhstan, dedicated worker of higher schools of Kazakhstan, D. P. N., Professor G. A. Umanova. Almaty, 2016.
        • Patriotic education – the basis of patriotism international scientific and practical conference"modernization of the education system: trends,problems and prospects" Almaty,18.10.2019


        • Introduction to Psychology an online non-credit course authorized by Yale University and offered through Coursera02.12.2020 Brooks and Suzanne Ragen Professor of Psychology  Yale University Certificate
        • Business English: Networking a MOOC from the University of Washington and offered through Coursera 02.12.2020 International and English language programs UW Educational Out reach


        • certificate : No. 000125 "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" Center of pedagogical excellence Cambridge UN Faculty of Education. «Training of trainers programmers for teaching staff of higher education pedagogic institutes comprising 232 academic hours in total». Astana, 2.02-20.03.2015.
        • certificate:" System Modernization of pedagogical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems, solutions " Almaty, 26.05.2016
        • certificate: №142 from 12.06.2017-31.08.2017 "foreign language for teachers of pedagogical specialties'' (160 hours).
        • Certificate:" Critical and Creative Thinking " Varna, Bulgaria. 20.11. -06.12.2017. 72 Ch.
        • certificate: "modern methods of teaching results" 72 Moscow, 2017.
        • certificate: "General English, CLIL and Business English" 200 chapels. 18.06. -14.07.2018 G
        • certificate:" Contemporary linguistic anthropology: postulates, problems and perspectives " Poland-Almaty 5.10.2018 /72 Ch.
        • certificate:" integration of the updated content of Secondary Education into educational programs of a pedagogical profile " Almaty, 15-16.11.2018
        • сertificate: "Management in Education" / 72h. Bulgaria-Almaty, 26.11. -8.12.2018
        • certificate: "General English, CLIL and Business English" 260 Chapel. August, 2018
        • activity: took part in the IV International Festival of pedagogical ideas "standard of new achievements: methods and practice of Education" Cheboksary, Russia, July 24, 2017.
        •  diploma I Stepen for a valuable scientific project at the conference of scientific and practical teachers "Mangilik El-Kazakhstanym" within the framework of the National Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Rukhani zhangyru". Almaty, 17.03.2018
        • Kulmanova Sholpan Buribayevna

          Position: Professor of Department "Theory and technique of musical education" , Kazakh State Women’s Teasher training University.  

        • Information

        Kulmanova Sholpan Buribayevna

        Position:  Professor of Department "Theory and technique of musical education" , Kazakh State Women’s Teasher training University.


        • Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute named after N.V. Gogol (1969-1972).
        • Scientific research institute of Art education of Academy of pedagogical sciences of the USSR (Scientific Foundation) Moscow sity (1977-1978).
        • Scientific research institute of Art education of Academy of pedagogical sciences of the USSR (Postgraduate study) Moscow s. (1978-1981).
        • Almaty pedagogical university named after Abay (doctoral studies), (1995-1998).
        • Academic degree and rank: Doctor of pedagogical sciences (2000), professor of pedagogic (2003).

        PLACE OF WORK:

        • Piano teacher at Children's musical studio, Kyzylorda s. (1972-1974).
        • Teacher of Department of Choral conducting of Kyzylorda Teacher training Institute and musical department of Training college of M. Mametova (1974-1978).
        • Head of Department of Choral conducting of KSU named after Korkyt ata (1982-1987).
        • Dean of musical and pedagogical faculty of KSU named after Korkyt ata (1987-1991).
        • Head of Department of theory and music education of KSU named after Korkyt ata (1993-1995).
        • Deputy director in scientific and methodical work of Institute of professional development and pedagogical resources of Education system of Almaty sity(1999-2001).
        • Head of Department of social and humanitarian disciplines of Kazakh National academy of arts named afterT. Zhurgenov (2001-2008).
        • Head of "Theory and Technique of Music Education" department, KazSWTU (2008-2011).


        • The chairman of a subsection TMU RTMU "Music education" at KazSWTU (2008-2016).
        • The member of Dissertation council on protection doctoral theses in Pedagogic at KazSWTU (2004-2010).
        • Member of the expert commission on the section "Pedagogy and Psychology" of the Department of Humanities of the Higher Attestation Commission at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2003-2004).
        • Head of the author's group for the development of standard curricula for universities in the specialty "Music Education" of the State Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008-2010).
        • Head of the author's group for the development of the State Educational Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan on music, standard curricula (1997-2010); educational and methodological complexes "Music" for primary classes (1997-2023) at the Atamura Corporation.
        • The member of developers of Standard training programs for 1-4 years of preeducation level, 5-6 years of main education level at Center of educational programs "Nazarbayev Intellectual School" (2015-2018)


        • Medal named after "Y. Altynsarin" Ministry of Education and Science of RK (2011).
        • The anniversary medal "Kurmet belgysy" KazSWTU (2014)


        • "The theory and practice of education of younger school students means of the Kazakh folk music" - Almaty: Gylym, 1999 – 360 pages.
        • Contents, forms and methods of development by younger school students of the Kazakh folk music. Almaty: AGU named after Abay. - 60 pages.
        • Scientific-theoretical and practical aspects of formation of the Kazakh pronunciation in the course of singing at Russian-speaking pupils of elementary school: educational and methodical grant. – Almaty, 2002. – 80 pages.
        • The educational and methodical Music complexes for elementary school and 5 years (the textbook, methodical instructions for the teacher, the musical anthology, piano and audio-video of the anthology) published and republished under MAUN RK'S signature stamp - more than 50 (1997-2008)
        • State Obligatory Educational Standarts of RK, standard training programs "Music education" (bachelor degree, magistracy, doctoral studies) (2010,2011).
        • Scientific and methodical articles, electronic textbooks, etc. more than 200 names. Scopus – 2.
      • Kozhahmetova Gulaikhan

        Position Lecturer




        • Educational institution: Kazakh State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy   Year of graduation: 1992ж Specialty: piano. Form of study: full-time


        • Organization: piano teacher of the Kazakh secondary special music boarding school named after A.Zhubanov.
        • Languages: Russian, Kazakh (fluent), English.
        • «Learning to play the piano» Diploma of the I degree on author's work (2021)


        • Awarding a diploma. Minister of Culture and Sports(2020).
        • Diplomas and letters of thanks from the school administration.
        • Personal qualities: resilience to stress, competent speech, responsibility, purposefulness, fairness.
        • Urazaliyeva Moldir

          Position: Acting Professor

        • Information

        Urazaliyeva Moldir

        Position: Acting Professor


        Moldir Urazaliyeva - in 1988-1989 she completed a scientific internship at the Research Institute of Art Education at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Moscow. In 1994-97, she studied at the full-time postgraduate department of the Abai State Pedagogical University, and in 1998 successfully defended her PhD thesis. In 2002, she was awarded the scientific title of associate professor from the Science Committee under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

        M.Urazaliyeva is the author of textbooks and educational and methodical complexes of a new generation, published in 1998-2017 in the publishing houses "Atamura", "Almatykitap", "Aruna", the concept and program of the subject "Music", mandatory standards of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1998-2016). He is the author of more than 30 basic textbooks and methodological guidelines, anthologies and phonohrestomathies. Has 24 certificates of the Copyright Protection Committee of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. More than 100 scientific, pedagogical, methodological works have been published in national and foreign publications (USA, Italy, Turkey, Slovakia, Russia, Azerbaijan).

        The author of the updated curriculum and the educational and methodical complex "Music" of secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan, published in the 2016-17 academic year.

        M. A. Urazaliyeva is a grant holder of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the competition "The best university teacher-2016".


        • N. V. Gogol  Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute (1981-1985); Research Institute of the XV APN of the USSR scientific internship (1988-1989) Moscow
        • Postgraduate course of Almaty State National Pedagogical University named after Abai (1994-1997
        • Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University specialty Defectology (2010-2012)


        • Member of the editorial Board of the scientific and pedagogical journal "Bulletin" of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University
        • Member of the Science Committee of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University


        • Methods of music education and upbringing
        • Musical direction of the updated educational program
        • Features of musical education of children with disabilities


        • M.A. Urazaliyeva1 Sh.B. Kulmanova2 A. Ye. Yerbolat3 S.S. Zhusupova4 G.Sh. Omirbayeva5 M.S. Sultanova6 D.S. Akhmetzhanova. Features of Musical Education of Children with Intellectual Disabilities. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy. Vol 5 No 23 November 2014.
        • Menslu I. Dzheksembekovaa, Kamarsulu E. Ibrayevaa, Aimkul K. Akhmetovaa, Moldir A. Urazalieva, Elmira S. Sultangaliyevab and Klavdiya I. Issametova. Specific Features of Social Competence Development in the Future Music Teachers Working at Universities. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENCE EDUCATION 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 9, 3001-3011 DOI: 10.12973/ijese.2016.731
        • Urazalieva M.A. Bulletin No. 3(118).2017 Part II. L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. "The place and importance of extracurricular work to introduce children with disabilities to art"" (pp. 363-366)
        • Urazalieva M.A. International scientific journal SCIENCE AND LIFE OF KAZAKHSTAN "The content of the musical educational and methodological complex" No. 2 (76) 2019, pp. 156-162.
        • Urazalieva M.A. International scientific journal SCIENCE AND LIFE OF KAZAKHSTAN "The importance of cultural and leisure work in the formation of personality" No. 4 (79) 2019, pp. 112-117. (in the author's association)
        • Urazalieva M.A. Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abaya series" Pedagogical sciences", №1 (61), 2019 " Formation of a multilingual culture of a music teacher" pp. 238-242.
        • Urazalieva M.A. Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abaya series" Pedagogical sciences", №1 (61), 2019 " Features of the system of teaching prepared music in the conditions of the updated curriculum" pp. 312-317.
        • Formation of singing skills of future music teachers through digital resources. World Journal on Educational Technology Current issues 14(1):282-293 SCOPUS  ЖурналDOI:10.18844/wjet.v14i1.6726   January 2022.
        • Pedagogical Design as a Tool to Increase Students’ Learning Motivation During Distance Learning.. Q 2. 64 процентиль. SCOPUS  Open Education Stadies. Poland.
          2023 ж.  November 07.
        • On the recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Music. 2nd grade. Textbook. Publishing house "Almatykitap", A., 2022. 96 pages
        • On the recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Music. 2nd grade. Methodical manual. (in CD form)
        • On the recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Music. 2nd grade. Note book. Publishing house "Almatykitap", A., 2022, 96 pages.
        • On the recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Music. 2nd grade. Note book. Publishing house "Almatykitap", A., 2022, 96 pages.
        • The issue of training music teachers in the context of an inclusive educational process. BULLETIN of Abai KazNPU, series “Pedagogical Sciences”, No. 1 (77), April 20, 2023
        • Features of teaching music in the context of the updated curriculum in the Republic of Kazakhstan.  Electronic resource // “Musical creativity, performance, education: innovative approaches: Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation (March 26, 2021, Yakutsk) / [edited by A.G. Larionova]. – Kirov: Publishing house MCITO, 2021.-1 electronic optical disk (CD-R)
        • Features of music education in the context of an updated curriculum. “Modernization of the education system: trends, problems and prospects” International scientific and practical conference October 18, 2019 Pages 360-364.
        • Development of students' creative abilities in music lessons (based on information and communication technologies). Aktobe. 04/22/2021 Pages 187-190
        • Issues of organizing the music education system. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “30th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Current Issues of Biological and Environmental Education in Secondary and Higher Schools (Innovations and Experience).” Publishing house "Ulagat" KazNPU named after Abai, 2021. Pages 271-276.
        • Problems of training future music specialists in an inclusive educational environment. International scientific and practical online conference “Music education: history, research, experience and future.” Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, 12/21/2021.
        • Formation of singing skills of future music teachers through digital resources. World Journal on Educational Technology Current issues 14(1):282-293 DOI:10.18844/wjet.v14i1.6726 January 2022. 282-293
        • Features of musical education of children with intellectual developmental disorders. Higher School of Music of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Institute) named after V.A. Bosikov.
          All-Russian International Scientific and Practical Conference
          “Current issues of musical creativity, performance, education: to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic” 03.25.2022
        • Problems of education of future music specialists in the era of globalization. International scientific-practical (online-offline) conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the training of music education specialists of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Formation and development of music pedagogical education in Kazakhstan.” December 12, 2022
        • Innovative system “Soft Mozart” in music education. “International scientific and practical conference on the content of the level of competence of teachers in the context of continuous professional education and the mechanisms for its assessment” within the framework of the scientific and technical program of targeted funding “Scientific foundations for the modernization of the education and science system” (No. OR 11465474) Almaty, 10.26.2023, etc. .d.
        • Computer technologies in music education (H. Heiner “The soft path to Mozart"). “Modern education and science: challenge of the 21st century” XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference. Astana, October 20-25, 2023

        Approved textbooks by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

        • Music: Textbook. For students of the 1st grade of a secondary school/.- Almaty: Almatykitap Publishing House, 2017.-96 P.
        • Music. Methodical manual: for teachers of the 1st grade of a secondary school. /.- Almaty: Almatykitap Publishing house, 2017.-108 P.
        • Music. Musical anthology. For teachers of the 1st grade of a secondary school. /.- Almaty: Almatykitap Publishing House, 2017.-88 p.


        • "International Symposium"Studies of the Turkic world". (October 11-13 , 2018, Almaty) 251-258 pages."The content of the educational and methodological complex on the subject of music in the conditions of the updated curriculum" 622-627str.
        • "International Symposium"Studies of the Turkic world". (June 13-15, 2019, Baku) 251-258 pages. "The specifics of music teaching in the conditions of an updated curriculum" (in the authors' association)
        • "International Symposium"Studies of the Turkic world". (October 20-23, 2020, Turkey) "Kazakh children's folklore as a means of education"
        • Utemuratova Bekzada Serikbaevna

          Position: Сandidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor in the specialty “Pedagogy”

        • Information

        Utemuratova Bekzada Serikbaevna

        Position: Сandidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor in the specialty “Pedagogy”


        Utemuratova Bekzada Serikbaevna – in 2000 she defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in specialty 13.00.01 - general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogy on the topic: “Training music teachers for the use of Kazakh traditional artistic culture in the aesthetic education of students” . In 2009, by the decision of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty of pedagogy. In 2010, she became a corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization (IAIN).


        • Kzyl-Orda Pedagogical School named after. M. Mametova qualification – teacher of singing and music education (1975-1978);
        • Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, specialty - Music (1982-1986)


        • musical theoretical study of Kazakh traditional artistic culture;
        • musical ethnopedagogy;
        • theory and methodology of music education;
        • history of Kazakh music;
        • informatization of education based on information and communication technologies (ICT);
        • integration of pedagogical and infocommunication technologies.
        • Author of more than 50 scientific works, 12 teaching aids, 20 scientific articles on the problems of informatization of education based on ICT, is a member of the team of authors of 25 electronic textbooks that have confirmed their intellectual property with certificates of state registration of the object, including “Music” 1-3 class in Kazakh and Russian languages, “Kazakh Adebieti” 5-10 grades. and etc.


        • Bolashak mugalimderdi akparattyk technologylardy paydalana na tiimdi zholdary//Abylay khan atyndagy KazKhzhӘTU KHABARSHYSY – “Pedagogy of Gylymdary” series, 1 (68) 2 023132-145 b.
        • Akparattandyru zhagdayyndagy kasibi mamandar dayarlaudyn gylymi-pedagogicalik sharttary // Bulletin of KazNU named after. Al-Farabi – Series “Pedagogical Sciences” – No. 3 (25), 2014. – p. 23-26.
        • On the issue of professional training of the future music teacher in the conditions of informatization of education // In the collection. XII Vishnyakov readings “Socio-economic concept of university science in the region”: Materials of the international scientific conference. - St. Petersburg, Leningrad State University named after. A.S. Pushkina, 2015. - p. 279-280.


        • Kazakh khalyk shyғarmashylyғy negіzіnd music on oktyudagy akparattyk technologylardyn mүmkіndіkterі//“Kazakhstandy music-pedagogical sciences bіlіmnіn qalyptasuy men damuy” – atty khalykaralyk gylymi-təzhiribelik conferenceson materialdary. – Almaty: 12/12/2022 Almaty 255-260 b.
        • On the issue of implementing the electronic textbook “Music” Materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Textbook of the Third Millennium: creation, publication, distribution” // Almaty, 2015. – p. 139-144.
        • Sultanova Maira

          Position: Associate professor, candidate of sciences

        • Information

        Sultanova Maira

        Position: Associate professor, candidate of sciences


        Sultanova Maira graduate of the Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute named after N. Gogol. In 1998 she graduated from the graduate school of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute. In 2007 he was awarded the academic degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences, in 2010 he was awarded the academic title - associate professor in the specialty "Pedagogy".

        She began her career as a teacher at a higher educational institution. From 2003 to the present, he has been working at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.

        For her contribution to education she was awarded the "Certificate of Honor" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2010), the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University (2011), the "badge" of the best researcher in the field of higher and postgraduate education (2019).


        • Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute named after N. Gogol with a degree in Music and Additional Pedagogy (1984-1989);
        • Postgraduate study of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (music in the system of primary, secondary and higher education) (1995-1998)


        • Member of the Commission for State Attestation in Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
        • Member of the expert group on the analysis of the content of educational and methodological complexes prepared in the subject "Music" for secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


        • Methods of music education and upbringing.
        • Musical direction of the updated educational program.


        • 1. Features of musical education of children with intellectual disabilities. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Urazalieva M., Sultanova M. MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy Vol 5 No 23. November 2014. 941-950 p. 
        • 2. Study of the heritage of Korkyt in the Turkic World. T. Kongyratbay, Sultanova M. Asian Social Science; Vol. 11, No. 21; 2015. ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025 Published by Canadian center of science and education  
        • 3. Opportunities for the formation of professional competence of a future music teacher //Bulletin of the Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov. Humanitarian series. - No. 3 (106), 2015.
        • 4. Performing speech activity of a music teacher. Monograph. – Almaty, 2015. – 198 p.
        • 5. History of jazz, rock music: Textbook. – Almaty, 2016. – 102 p.
        • 6. Fundamentals of musical and pedagogical research: Textbook. – Almaty, 2017. – 114 p.
        • 7. Worldview in the methodological training of a music teacher // Innovative approaches in the development of science and education. Collection of scientific articles. – Bratislava, 2017.
        • 8. The creative path and spiritual revival of the personality // Pedagogy and psychology. – No. 3 (36), 2018.
        • 9. Songs and singers – our spiritual values ​​/ V International Symposium for the study of the Turkic world. II volume. – Almaty, 2018.
        • 10. Music and word. Encyclopedia of music and pedagogical education of Kazakhstan: in faces and facts. – Astana, 2018.
        • 11. Modern interactive technologies in music education // "Innovation Management and Technology in the Era of Globalization": Materials of the International Scientific-Practical Conference. Vol. II / - Alexandria, Egypt Regional Academy of Management. 2018.
        • 12. The importance of cultural and leisure work in the formation of personality // Science and life of Kazakhstan. – No. 4 (79). – 2019.
        • 13. Methods of working with gifted children in music education // Science and life of Kazakhstan. – No. 7. – 2020.
        • 14. Theoretical foundations of the formation of professional competence of the future musician teacher // Science and life of Kazakhstan. No. 4 (2). – 2020.
        • 15. Reflexive approach of the future music teacher to performing and speech activity // Bulletin of Kazakh national women’s pedagogical university. – No. 1 (2). – 2020.
        • Korkut’un destansi mirasinin incelenmesinde yeni meseleler: sahtecilik ve sahte değiştirmeler. Millî Folklor, 2023, Yıl 35, Cilt 18, Sayı 138. - p. 154-165 (scopus).  
        • Effective use of the criteria assessment system //Science and life of Kazakhstan. №6 (1). –  2020. -  p. 160-164
        • Emotional speech is the most important quality in the professional training of a future specialist // Bulletin of Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL Series «Pedagogical sciences». - 1(64) - 2022. – р. 65-70.
        • Boosting english language learners` motivation and collaboration through digital technologies // Bulletin of Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL Series «Pedagogical sciences». - 2(69) -  2023. – р. 236-247.
        • The importance of using the case method in the educational process of the university // Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai, series "Pedagogical sciences". - 4(80). – 2023. – р. 317-328 .
        • The research activity of a teacher-musician. International scientific and practical online conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Music education: history, research, experience and prospects". Kaznatszhenpu.- 21.12.2021. – р. 12-16 .


        • 2015, 04-07 October. Moderator of the republican training seminar "Prospects and approaches to the development of music education in modern schools." - Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn".
        • 2016, April 25-28. Lecturer at the seminar "New Paradigms of Music Education". - Kyzylorda Humanitarian College named after M. Mametova.
        • 2018, October 11-13. Speech on the topic: "Songs and singers are our spiritual values" / V International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World. - Almaty, KazGosZhenPU.
        • The content of a set of methodological tasks for future music teachers. All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Topical issues of musical creativity, performance, education: to the 100th anniversary of the YASSR" Yakutia. – Kirov, 2022. – р. 55-60.
        • Computer technologies in music education (X.Heiner's "Soft way to Mozart"). "Science And Education In The Modern World: Challenges Of The Xxi Century" XIV International Scientific And Practical Conference: Pedagogical Sciences / Comp.: E. Eshim. – Astana, 2023. – p. 36-42.
        • Soft mozart is an innovative music learning system. International forum "Сonceptual  fundamentals  of modernization of the education and science system  of the Republic of Kazakhstan". The National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin. – October 27th, 2023. – р. 819-823.  
        • Rysbekova Ryszhan

          Position: Senior lecturer, candidate of sciences

        • Information

        Rysbekova Ryszhan

        Position: Senior lecturer, candidate of sciences


        Rysbekova Ryszhan Myrzashevna - candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer of the "Music" department of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.

        Rysbekova R.M. began her career in 1979 as a teacher of the Kaskelen Pedagogical College,  Kaskelen, Almaty region.

        1981-1989 worked as an educator, primary school teacher, music director in Taldy-Kurgan region and in Taldy-Kurgan.

        1989-1991 worked as a lecturer at the Department of Musical Instruments at the Taldy-Kurgan Pedagogical Institute named after I. Zhansugurov in Taldy-Kurgan.

        1991-1995 worked as a music director, music teacher at the Taldykorgan National Gymnasium in Taldykorgan.

        1995-2005 worked as a lecturer of the Department of Kazakh Music, a lecturer of the Department of Musical Instruments at Taldykorgan University named after I. Zhansugurov in Taldykorgan.

        2005-2015 worked as a lecturer r, senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, ZhSU named after I. Zhansugurov, Taldykorgan.

        2015-2019 Associate Professor, Acting Associate Professor (Associate Professor) of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. ZhSU named after I. Zhansugurov, Taldykorgan.

        2019-2021 She worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology at the Zhetysu university named after I. Zhansugurov in Taldykorgan.


        • In 1975 graduated with honors from the Issyk Pedagogical School with a degree in “Primary school general education school teacher and senior pioneer leader” in Issyk, Alma-Ata region.
        • In 1979 graduated with honors from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute with a degree in music and singing teacher.
        • In 2007, at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, she defended her candidate dissertation on "Patriotic education of junior schoolchildren by means of Kazakh folk music" in the specialty 13.00.01 - General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogy.


        • Kazakh folk music.
        • Patriotic education of junior schoolchildren.
        • Preparing teachers for the patriotic education of schoolchildren.


        • 1.Қазақ халық күйлерінің тәрбиелік мүмкіндіктері. Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі. №6/2, 2019. Б.176-181.
        • 2.Үйірме жұмыстарында қазақ халық музыкасы арқылы оқушыларға патриоттық тәрбие беру.Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі.№6/2,2019.Б.182-186.
        • 3.Болашақ мамандар даярлаудағы артпедагогика және арттерапия. Учебное пособие для магистрантов. Талдықорған,2019.161 бет.
        • 4.Студенттерді сыныптан тыс тәрбие жұмыстарына даярлау. П.ғ.д.,проф.С.А.Ұзақбаеваның 70 ж.мерейтойына арналған «Білім беру жүйесін модернизациялау: тенденциялар, проблемалар және перспективалар» атты халық.ғыл-прак.конференция материалдары.18 қазан 2019ж. Б.535-538.
        • 5.Дене шынықтыру және спорт педагогикасы. Оқу құралы.Талдықорған, 2020. 155 бет.
        • 6. Ethnopedagogical training as an important factor in the development of national self-awareness of the future teacher. S.Ұzaқbaeva zhәne tb author of the birlestikte "International Jornal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation" Scopus. Vol. 24, Issue 7, April, 2020. Pages: 6314-6318.
        • 7. Conditions for the implementation of integration processes in the educational space. Prof. NA Abishev, author. unit Journal of Science and Life of Kazakhstan № 5/3, May, 2020, pp.26-31.
        • Rysbekovа R.M., Ыбыраймжанов К.Т. Ensuring patriotic education of students by teaching Kazakh folk music in club activities.Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі. Наука и жизнь Казахстана. Scienceand life of Kazakhstan. №6/2 2019. Pages: 176-181.
        • Rysbekovа R.М., Ybyraimzhanov K.T. Educational capabilities of Kazakh folk kyuis and the history of musical instruments for performing kyuis. Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі. Наука и жизнь Казахстана. Scienceand life of Kazakhstan. №6/2 2019. Pages: 182-186 бет.
        • Rysbekova R.M., Tanabaev O.M. Pedagogy of physical culture and sports. Tutorial. Taldykorgan сity- 2019 163 pages.
        • Uzakbaevа Sakhipzhamal, Aitbaeva Alma, Bakhtiyarova Gulshat, Rysbekovа Ryszhan. «Ethnno pedagogical preparation as an important factor of  defelopment of national self-consciousness of a future teacher» «International Jornal of  Psychosocial Rehabilitation» Scopus Vol. 24, Issue 7, April, 2020. Pages: 6314-6318.
        • Abishev N.A, Rysbekova R.M. Conditions for the implementation of integration processes in the educational space. Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі. Наука и жизнь Казахстана. Scienceand life of Kazakhstan. №5/3 2019. 176-181pages.
        • Rysbekova R.M. Art pedagogy and art therapy in the training of future specialists. Tutorial. Copyright certificate dated September 29, 2020. No. 12217. Taldykorgan city - 2020, 161 pages.
        • Rysbekova R.M., Tanabaev O.M. Дене шынықтыру және спорт педагогикасы. Tutorial. Copyright certificate dated September 29, 2020. No. 12218. Taldykorgan, 2020. 163 pages.
        • Rysbekova R.M., Makhmetova B.T., Beisembaeva A.A. Forms and methods of patriotic education of primary school students during extracurricular hours. Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Series «Pedagogical sciences», No. 3(75), 2022. Almaty, 2022. pp. 228-237
        • Ibraeva K.E. Rysbekova R.M. On the issue of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the level of ethnomusical culture of future teachers at a university. Bulletin of Ablai khan KazUIRandWL Series «Pedagogical Sciences», No. 3(75), 2023. Almaty, 2023. Pp. 228-237
        • Rysbekova R.M. Providing patriotic education through children's songs of Kazakh composers. KR-son 30 zhyldygyna arnalgan «Musicyk bilim: tarikhy, zerttelui, tazhiribesi men bolashagy» atty Halykaralyk gylym-tazhiribelik online conferenceson material. Almaty: «Kyzdar University», 2021Pp 65-68.
        • Rysbekova R.M. Patriotic education through children's songs by composers of Kazakhstan. Current issues of musical creativity, performance, education: to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Collection of materials from the Verossiysk scientific and practical conference with international participation (March 25, 2022, Yakutsk). Kirov, 2022. Pages: 48-51.
        • Rysbekova R.M. Preparing students for extracurricular activities at school.
          Materials of the International scientific and practical online/offline conference dedicated to the 60 th anniversary of the «Music Education» specialty «Formation and defelopment of musical and pedagogical education in Kazakhstan» December 12, 2022. Almaty, 2022. Pages: 170-175.  


        • Rysbekova Ryszhan Myrzashevna was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Education" "Honorary Worker of Education" for special merits in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan E. Sagadiev. April 27, 2018
        • List of scientific works: Author of more than 80 scientific and methodological articles, 1 monographs, 2 teaching aids, 1 lecture course, 3 textbooks for magistracy, 2 electronic textbooks.
        • Aisulu Mukanova

          Position: Senior lecturer

        • Information

        Aisulu Mukanova

        Position: Senior lecturer


        Aisul Mukanova - in 1983-1987 Almaty College of Music named after P.I. Tchaikovsky with a degree in Dombyra Tenor, by the decision of the state qualification commission of June 26, 1986, the qualification "Orchestra Leader, BSU Teacher" (No. 149504) was awarded.

        1986-1992 - by decision of the State Examination Commission in the specialty "Dombyra-tenor" of the Almaty State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy dated May 9, 1992 "concert performer, teacher"

        1993 as a teacher at the Department of Musical Instruments at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute.

        From 1998 to 2019, he headed the dombra section. She is currently a senior lecturer in the Department of Music.

        During this time, Aisulu Bigazievna prepared her students for republican Olympiads and subject Olympiads and won prizes.

        In 2014 she was awarded the Order of Excellence in Culture by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan for her significant contribution to the development of culture and art. (Certificate 450453 dated 28.08.2014 A.Mukhamediuly)


        • Almaty musical college named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (1982-1986).
        • Almaty State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy (1986-1991).


        • Methods of music education and performing skills;
        • Musical direction of the updated educational program.


        • Influence of ancient totemic beliefs on Kazakh traditional singing (Scopus) Venezuela OPCION 2019. Sabirova A.S., Mukanova A.B.6 Issametova K.I., Sultanova M.E.
        • International Congress of Culture, Art and Literature of Turkey "The role and significance of folk instruments in the musical genre, the role of ancient instruments in the heritage of ancient instruments" 2019. Mukanova A.B., Akhmetzhanova D.S.
        • A textbook for dombra (for 6th grade students of a music school) Almaty: Publishing House "Auen", 2017. Mukanova A.B., Akhmetzhanova D.S.
        • Methods of teaching dombra. Tutorial. Musical publishing house "Auen", 2018 Mukanova A.B., Akhmetzhanova D.S.
        • Score for the Kazakh orchestra of folk instruments and folk ethnographic ensembles. Tutorial. Musical publishing house "Auen", 2019 Mukanova A.B., Akhmetzhanova D.S.
        • Selected works for dombra. Tutorial. Musical publishing house "KazNatsZhenPu", 2020 Mukanova A.B., Akhmetzhanova D.S.
        • Pedagogical repertoire for dombra. Tutorial. Musical publishing house "Auen", 2020. Mukanova A.B., Akhmetzhanova D.S.
        • Mukanova A. B. Akhmetzhanova D. S. "the legacy of the genre of folklore to the younger generation" / / Journal of Art and Literature. Materials of the Online conference Turkey 2020.
        • Mukanova A. Issametova K. I., Sultanova M. E. Sabirova A. S. The effect of ancient totemic beliefs on the Kazakh traditional singing Скопус.  2020.
        • Mukanova A.B. "Features of the use of innovative technologies in music" discipline Electronic resource// "Musical creativity, performance, education: innovative approaches: Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation (March 26, 2021, Yakutsk) /
        • Mukanova A. B. " Life with art" journal "Pedagogy and art " /Almaty No. 3, 2019.


        • • Participated in the conference of the International Congress of Culture, Art and Literature of Turkey in an online format and presented articles. Article: "The role and significance of folk instruments in the musical genre, familiarizing the younger generation with the heritage of ancient instruments" 2019.
        • • Online conference. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Yakutsk Bosikova. The article was published in the collection: Features of the use of innovative technologies in the musical discipline
        • Mukanova A.B., Akhmetzhanova D.S. Kui is the heritage of the Kazakh people. Topical issues of musical creativity, performance, education: to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Yakut ASSR. Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation (March 25, 2022, Yakutsk). Kirov, 2022. pp. 48-51.
        • Mukanova A. B., Akhmetzhanova D. S. The educational value of folklore instruments for students. Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, International scientific and practical online conference "Music Education: history, research, experience and prospects" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 12/21/2021, Almaty, Kazakhstan (pp. 44-48).
        • Mukanova A. B., Akhmetzhanova D. S., Ibraimova A. Ways of research of musicology scientists. Art and culture: the main trends in the development of science in the XXI century. Materials of the republican scientific and practical online conference on October 31, 2023 - pp. 47-50.
        • Mukanova A. B. Akhmetzhanova D. S. "The legacy of the genre of folklore to the younger generation" / / Journal of Art and Literature. Materials of the Online Conference Turkey 2020
        • Shnarov Azamat

          Position: Senior lecture, master of sciences

        • Information

        Shnarov Azamat

        Position: Senior lecture, master of sciences


        Shnarov Azamat - 2013-2017 Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy fully mastered the program of higher professional education, by the decision of the State Certification Commission of May 26, 2009, the qualification of an orchestra artist and teacher was awarded.

        Master of Arts of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy

        Laureate of the XIV International Festival of Youth "Shabyt" (Main Prize). 2016 Uralsk

        Republican contest named after D. Nurpeisov and S. Orazalyuly "Kuy kudiret" (Main prize)

        2017 National Channel Kazakhstan, finalist of the mega-project I Kazakhpyn.

        • Winner of the II place of the III Republican competition of conductors "Magic Wand" named after Bozdak Rzakhanov in Aktau in 2019
        • 2020, March. Winner of the III place of the II Republican Competition of Conductors named after Ryspay Gabdiev.
        • From October 16 to 26, 2019 he completed a scientific and practical internship in Baku, Azerbaijan.
        • "Author" as part of advanced training from April 21 to April 30, 2021


        • Kazakh National Kurmangazy Conservatory
        • Master of Arts of the Kazakh National Kurmangazy Conservatory


        • Genre and stylistic features of Seitek kiuis.


        • Various executive versions of "Five Girls" by Seitek Orazauly.
        • Seitek kui in the performance of kuish Zapadno-Kazakhstan region.
        • Konysbayeva Elmira

          Position: Senior lecturer

        • Information

        Konysbayeva Elmira

        Position: Senior lecturer


        Konysbayeva Elmira  Master of senior teacher of the café music 2002-2012 lecturer at Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt ata

        2014 – accompanist of the department Musical Instrumentes of the Kazakh State Womens Pegagogical University

        From 2015-2020 Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Arts and Culture of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University;

        Since 2020 master teacher of the cafe "Music".


        • 1993-1997 Kyzylorda College of Music, department "Folk Instruments";
        • 1998-2001 Kyzylorda State University named after Korgyt ata, specialty "031740-Music and singing"
        • 2012-2014 Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University with a degree in "6M010600-Music Education" where he was awarded the academic degree of Master of Pedagogical Sciences.


        • Formation of instrumental performance skills in well-rounded future music teachers


        • International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan and the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev "Modern VUCA world: from musical performance and artistic understanding of space to society" Astana 2021 h. 14 mamyrs (124-134str)
        • Collection of materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists "Youth and Science: Present and Future". Almaty, 2021.S. (373-375b)
      • Agima Isagulova

        Position: Professor


        Agima Isagulova  graduated from Faculty of Music and Singing of Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (now Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University)  in 1967. After graduating she began teaching at the same university. Currently she is a professor there. Agima Isagulova is a professional musician, accordion player, follower of school of famous accordionist K.K. Oshlakova. She is one of the first participants and organizers of the vocal-instrumental ensemble “Aigul”, which became famous not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad. Her coloratura soprano and beautiful timbre has not changed since then, and her voice range is still unique.

        Academic degree and title: Associate Professor, Professor- "Excellence in Public Education" (1990);-Халық ағарту ісінің үздігі  (1990 г.);-medal  dedicated to 10 years of independence of Republic of Kazakhstan (2001)-Қазақстан Республикасdының білім беру ісінің құрметті қызметкері (2004 г.);

        • Specialist of the Year (2013);
        • honorary citizen of  “Eskeldi” district (2006);
        • Қазақ өнерінің қайраткері (2019 г.);
        • Қазақстан патриоты медалі Жалайыр қоғамдық бірлестігі (17.12.2020 г.);
        • Letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science (Vice Minister Sh.Karinova) Nur-Sultan (01.06.2021)


        • Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute


        • Isagulova Agima Shermukhametovna is the author of teaching tutorials, scientific and methodological articles, music chrestomathies for 1-3 grades phono-chrestomatics, audio, CD and video materials.
        • Textbook "Concertmaster class". Balausa Balausa Publishing House: 2017. - 240 pages.
        •  Methodical manual on music.Balaus Publishing House: 2017- 135 pages..


        • Methods of music education
        • Musical direction of the updated educational program
        • Klavdiya Issametova

          Position: Senior lecturer

        • Information

        Klavdiya Issametova

        Position: Senior lecturer


        Klavdiya Innokentyevna Issametova is a graduate of the Alma-Ata State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy. In 1988 she graduated from the Faculty of History and Theory with a degree in Musicology.

        She began her professional career in 1988 as a teacher of theoretical disciplines and special piano at Ust-Tatta children’s music school (Sakha Republic, Yakutia (Russia). Since 1990, she was worked as accompanist of the Department of Musical Instruments of State Women's Pedagogical University, since 2009 she has been  teaching at the Department of Music of National Women's Pedagogical University. For several years she was the head of the Additional Piano section. She is an author of a number of scientific and methodological articles published in republican and foreign publications (Slovakia, Turkey, South Korea). She was awarded Diplomas for the preparation of winners of the Republican Student Olympiad in specialty 050106 "Music education", and was also awarded certificates of the university for success in teaching.


        •  Almaty State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy. (1983-1988)


        • Musical performance
        • Modern music education
        • Yakut musical folklore


        • Specific features of social competence development in the future music teachers working at universities: Issametova K. / “International Journal of Environmental and Science Education”(Turkey), ISSN 1306-3065, Scopus (Elsevier), 2016.
        • Folklore versification and some features of the musical speech of the Yakut epic are olonkho: Issametova K.I. /  Collection of scientific articles, Bratislava, 2017 ISBN 978-80-972920-0-3/; Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Integration processes in contemporary musical art and education," Almaty, KNAI named after Zhurgenova, 2017. ISBN 978-601-265-082-2.
        • Influence of Specifics of the Main Specialty on Work Methods in a Class of an Additional Piano: Issametova K.I. / "PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN SCIENCE": Materials of the III International Scientific-Practical Conference March 28-30, 2018. ISBN 978-601-267-398-2 (Seoul, Korea)
        • Ethnocultural traditions in modern musical education: Issametova K.I., Sultangaliyeva E.S./Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Creativity in the lens of scientific research," Belgorod, Russia, December 2018.
        • The significance of A.B.Goldenweiser's pedagogical principles in the development of students' performing skills: Issametova K./ Pedagogy and Art Magazine, Almaty, 3(77) June 2019.
        • On the issue of the unity of technical and artistic in musical performance: Sultangaliyeva E.S., Issametova K.I./ Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of modern musical creativity, performance and education ", Yakutsk, Russia, March 2020.
        • Some features of musical speech and mode organization of songs of the yakut epic: Issametova K., Al-Farabi Journal 7. Uluslararasi Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 01-02.05.2020, Bursa, Turkiye.
        • The effect of ancient totemic beliefs on the Kazakh traditional singing: Sabirova A.S., Issametova K.I., Mukanova A.B., Sultanova M.E., Yergalieva A.T. Opcion. – 2020. – V.36. – Issue Special Edition 27. Scopus.
        • Yakut eposyn musicalyk soyleuinin keybir yerekshelikteri: Issametova K.I./ VII International Symposium of Studies of the Turkic World, Niide, Turkey, October 2020.
        • The content of the leading category of scientific pedagogy is principles: Issametova K.I., Sultangalieva E.S./Collection of materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Musical Creativity, Performance, Education: Innovative Approaches," Yakutsk, Russia, March 2021.
        • Sabirova A.S., Issametova K.I., Mukanova A.B., Sultanova M.E., Yergalieva A.T. The effect of ancient totemic beliefs on the Kazakh traditional singing//Opcion. – 2020 – V. 36. – Issue Special Edition 27. – P. 150-168.
        • Issametova K.I. Meaning of pedagogical principles A.B. Goldenweiser in the development of performing skills of students .//Journal "Pedagogy and Art," Almaty, June 3 (77), 2019, P. 31-35. 
        • Sultangalieva E.S.,  Issametova K.I. On the unity of technical and artistic in musical performance .//Collection of materials from the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Modern Musical Creativity, Performance and Education," Yakutsk, Russia, March 2020, P. 122-124.
        • Issametova K.Some features of musical speech and mode organization of songs of the yakut epic – olonkho. // Al-Farabi Journal 7. Uluslararasi Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 01-02.05.2020, Bursa, Turkiye, P. 307-312.
        • Issametova K.Some features of the musical speech of the Yakut epic .//VII International Symposium on the Study of the Turkic World, Niide, Turkey, October 2020, P. 92.
        • Sultangalieva E.S., Issametova K.I. Content of the leading category of scientific pedagogy - principles .//Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Musical creativity, performance, education: innovative approaches," Yakutsk, Russia, March 2021, P.34-38.
        • Issametova K. The main provisions of the formation and development of the skill of reading notes from a sheet .//Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Musical knowledge: history, research, experience and prospects”,  KNWTTU, 21.12.2021, P. 79-81.
        • Issametova K. Semantics of the musical means of the Yakut epic .//Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Actual issues of musical creativity, performance, education: on the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic," Yakutsk, 25.03. 2022, P. 8-11
        • Issametova K.  Features of the fret organization of songs of the Yakut epic olonkho .//Electronic collection of materials ІІ the International Forum on Art Education and Cultural Exchanges between China, Russia, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the countries of Eurasian cooperation "Eurasia. Dialogue of Cultures, "Yakutsk, 18.06. 2022, P. 160-163. The release of the collection is November 2023
        • Sultangalieva E, Issametova K. On the issue of the continuity of the culture of society .//Electronic collection of materials ІІ the International Forum on Art Education and Cultural Exchanges between China, Russia, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the countries of Eurasian cooperation "Eurasia. Dialogue of Cultures, "Yakutsk, 18.06. 2022, P.  272-275. The release of the collection is November 2023.
        • Sultangalieva E., Issametova K. Extracurricular activity as the main component of educational work .//International scientific and practical conference "Personality in art: history and modernity," Almaty, 05.12.2022, P. 253-266. 
        • Ospanova T.,  Issametova K., Kapsadykova A.. Features of modern vocational training of future music teachers Features of modern professional training of future music teachers//International Scientific and Practical Conference "Musical Education: History, Research, Experience and Perspectives”, KNWTTU 12.12.2022, P. 156-160
        • Issametova K. Features of modern professional training of future teachers of music. "Formation and development of musical and pedagogical education in Kazakhstan". International scientific and practical (online/offline) conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the training of music education specialists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.09.03.2023, P.156-161.
        • Ospanova T. Issametova K. Genre Synthesis in the Works of Kazakhstan Composers. // V International scientific conference Manchester. United Kingdom, 16 -17.05.2023, P. 4-8.
        • Sultangalieva E., Issametova K. Musical education as an integral part of the aesthetic culture of the Kazakhs. International scientific and practical conference "Music. Education. Personality" (dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Higher School of Music of the RS(Ya) (Institute) named after V.A. Bosikov), Yakutsk. 05.12.2023


        • Presentation of the article «Folklore versification and some features of the musical speech of the Yakut epic are olonkho/ international scientific and practical conference "Integration processes in contemporary musical art and education," Almaty, KNAI named after Zhurgenova, 2017.
        •  Presentation of the article «Influence of Specifics of the Main Specialty on Work Methods in a Class of an Additional Piano»/ "PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN SCIENCE": III International Scientific-Practical Conference March 28-30, 2018. (Seoul, Korea)
        • Presentation of the article «Ethnocultural traditions in modern musical education» (co-author - Sultangaliyeva E.S.)/ The international scientific and practical conference "Creativity in the lens of scientific research," Belgorod, Russia, December 2018.
        • Presentation of the article «On the issue of the unity of technical and artistic in musical performance» (co-author - Sultangaliyeva E.S.)/ The All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of modern musical creativity, performance and education ", Yakutsk, Russia, March 2020.
        • Presentation of the article «Some features of musical speech and mode organization of songs of the yakut epic», Uluslararasi Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 01-02.05.2020, Bursa, Turkiye.
        • Presentation on the topic «Yakut eposyn musicalyk soyleuinin keybir yerekshelikteri»/ VII International Symposium of Studies of the Turkic World, Niide, Turkey, October 2020.
        • Presentation of the article «The content of the leading category of scientific pedagogy is principles»,The All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Musical Creativity, Performance, Education: Innovative Approaches," Yakutsk, Russia, March 2021.

        Educational and methodological tool:

        • Urazalieva M.A, 1. Issametova K.I. School songs for synthesizer. APZ RMS Y06/ISBN Almaty/Evero, 2023, P. 108.
        • Darkembayeva Assiya

          Position: Senior Lecture, Master of Pedagogical Sciences

        • Information

        Darkembayeva Assiya

        Position: Senior Lecture, Master of Pedagogical Sciences


        Darkembayeva Asiya Bekturovna - studied at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. He began his career in 1998 as a teacher at the School of Arts named after M. Makatayev. From 2003 to the present she has been working as a concertmaster, teacher, senior lecturer at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University. He also served as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Arts and Culture. He is currently studying for a doctorate at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, specialty 8D01901 - Special Pedagogy


        • Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, specialty Music and Singing (Bachelor, 1999-2003);
        • Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, specialty Pedagogy (Master's degree, 2003-2005).


        • Methods of music education and upbringing
        • Formation of moral values ​​of weak students through folk music


        • Darkembaeva A., Burambaeva M. Spatial sense of music European Journal of Arts. Vienna, №1, 2018;
        • Darkembaeva A., Sultangalieva E. Continuity of natural laws and folk music traditions. Y International Symposium on Turkic World Studies. October 11-13. Almaty, 2018. (pp. 414-419);
        • Darkembaeva A., Sultangalieva E. Continuity of spiritual values ​​and natural phenomena. Pedagogy and art. №3 (77), 2019 (Pp. 42-49)
        • Darkembaeva A., Sultanova M. Reflexive approach of the future teacher of music to performing and speaking activities. "Herald", Kazakh State Women's University. №1 (81), 2020
        • Darkembaeva A. Spiritual and patriotic education of the younger generation through music lessons. Science and life of Kazakhstan, №6, 2020
        • Darkembaeva A., Raeva B. The role of the accordion in the system of music education. Al Farabi International Congress of Social Knowledge. Bursa, May 1-2, 2020


        • Darkembaeva A., Butabaeva L. "Formation of moral values ​​through folk music". XV International scientific-practical conference "Paradigm of modern science through the eyes of young people." 12.04.2021, Kostanay citу.
        • Begendikov Zhalgasbek

          Position: Associate professor

        • Information

        Begendikov Zhalgasbek

        Position: Associate professor


        Begendikov Zhalgasbek - Dy the decision of the State examination commission on the specialty "Dombra-tenor" of State conservatory named after Kurmangazy (Almaty) from May 26, 1978 was awarded the qualification "Concert performer, teacher, conductor of the orchestra of folk instruments". VAK "Associate professor of art history". Honored artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary professor of the Kazakh state women's pedagogical university.


        • State conservatory named after Kurmangazy (Almaty)


        • Methods of music education and performing skills;
        • Musical direction of the updated educational program.


        • Collection of scores "Legend of love" (Almaty, music college named after P. I. Tchaikovsky)
        • Аkhmetzhanova Didar

          Position: acting associate professor

        • Information

        Аkhmetzhanova Didar

        Position: acting associate professor


        Akhmetzhanova Didar  – graduate of musical college of Arkalyk in the specialty dombyra-tenor (1983-1987) and by the decision of the state qualification commission of June 26, 1986, was awarded the qualification "Head of the amateur orchestra of folk instruments, teacher of the children's music school"  In 1993 Akhmetzhanova D. S. graduated from State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy (Almaty) and by the decision of the state examination commission of May 7, 1993, was awarded the qualification "Concert performer, teacher" .

        Ministry for Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Madeniyet salasynyn uzdigi" (Certificate No. 0453, 8/28/2014);

        Kazakh state women's pedagogical university, anniversary medal "Badge of Honour" (Certificate No. 495, 2014);

        Thank letter for great personal contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (Minister Sagadiyev E., Astana, 2018);

        Badge «The best teacher» in the field of higher and postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, 2019);

        "Application of critical technologies based on the concept of updated education in educational institutions", 72 hours, 2019;

        "Fundamentals of cyberpedagogy. Methods and technologies of distance learning", 72 hours, 2020;

        Musical and performing skills, 72 hours, 2020; Management in education: "Modern digital and information technologies in education and distance learning", 72 hours, 2020.


        • State conservatory named after Kurmangazy, Almaty (1987-1993)


        • Methods of music education and performing skills;
        • Musical direction of the updated educational program.


        • Scientific, pedagogical, methodological works of D. S. Akhmetzhanova have been published in national and foreign publications (Italy, Turkey).
        • Pedagogical repertoire for a dombra: the manual. Akhmetzhanova D. S., Mukanova A. B. / Almaty: Auyen publishing house, 2015, ISMN 9963-705-44-5
        • Pedagogical repertoire for a dombra: the manual. Akhmetzhanova D. S., Mukanova A. B. / Almaty: Auyen publishing house, 2016, ISMN 9963-705-44-5
        • The anthology for a dombra: (for pupils of music school of the forth class). Akhmetzhanova D. S., Mukanova A. B.) / Almaty: Auyen publishing house, 2017, ISMN 9963-705-44-5.
        • Scores for orchestra and ensemble of folk musical instruments. Akhmetzhanova D. S., Mukanova A. Б / Almaty: Auyen publishing house, 2018, 88 p., ISMN 9963-705-44-5
        • Musical art and its esthetic delivery: Akhmetzhanova Didar Sapargaliyevna / Regional academy of management. International conference. Korea, Seoul, March 28-30.
        • Spiritual modernization is the pledge of the future of the nation: Akhmetzhanova Didar Sapargaliyevna / Mektep. Otbasy. Kogam. Republican public, pedagogical and family magazine No. 4. 13354-J.
        • Features of music education of children with Intellectual Disabilities: Akhmetzhanova D., Urazaliyeva M. / Mediterranean magazine of social sciences. - Italy, 2014.
        • Journal of talents’ professional development 906 Vol.12, № 3 s, 2020, 906-917 ISSN 1869-0459 (print)/ISSN 1869-2885 (online)  © 2020 International research association for talents’ development  http://www.iratde.com
        • Cultural and creative aspects of the concept of art and the creative development of the personality of the future teacher-musician. Akhmetzhanova D. S., Sydykova R. S., Kaldayakova A. A., Ainabekova N. T., Umirkhanovna S. A., Dosbaganbetova A. T.
        • Mukanova A. B. Akhmetzhanova D. S. "the legacy of the genre of folklore to the younger generation" / / Journal of Art and Literature. Materials of the Online conference Turkey 2020.
        • Бейсембаева А.А., Ахметжанова Д.С., Муканова А.Б. Critical thinking of future teachers as an important component of teacher professional culture. Internahional independent scientific journal. Warsaw, Poland №48.2023. №48 2023
        • The importance of using the case method in the educational process of the university // Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai, series "Pedagogical sciences". - 4(80). – 2023. – р. 317-328 .


        • Mukanova A.B., Akhmetzhanova D.S. Kui is the heritage of the Kazakh people. Topical issues of musical creativity, performance, education: to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Yakut ASSR. Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation (March 25, 2022, Yakutsk). Kirov, 2022. pp. 48-51.
        • Mukanova A. B., Akhmetzhanova D. S. The educational value of folklore instruments for students. Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, International scientific and practical online conference "Music Education: history, research, experience and prospects" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 12/21/2021, Almaty, Kazakhstan (pp. 44-48).
        • Mukanova A. B., Akhmetzhanova D. S., Ibraimova A. Ways of research of musicology scientists. Art and culture: the main trends in the development of science in the XXI century. Materials of the republican scientific and practical online conference on October 31, 2023 - pp. 47-50.
        • Mukanova A. B. Akhmetzhanova D. S. "The legacy of the genre of folklore to the younger generation" / / Journal of Art and Literature. Materials of the Online Conference Turkey 2020
        • Ainabekova Nazgul

          Position: Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences

        • Information

        Ainabekova Nazgul

        Position: Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences


        Nazgul Ainabekova is a graduate of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, received a master's degree from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.

        In 2003-2006 she worked as a music teacher, the head of the choir of the Bobek State Center for Education and Health Protection.

        In 2006-2010 she worked as a music teacher, the head of the choir in the state institution "Comprehensive School No. 133."

        Since 2010 - teacher of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.


        • Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University
        • Choir conductor, teacher, Kazakh National Kurmangazy Conservatory
        • Teacher, choir conductor, solfeggio teacher, Kanabek Ba Taldykorgan College of Music


        • Field of music education


        • Textbook for students of the 3rd year of choral conducting - a textbook. Lantar Trade Publishing House 2020
        • Place of creative activity in personal education. Priority areas of professional training of teachers of creative specialties - 2020: research, trends and expected results in the future " PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE ISBN 978-9965-840-81-4 Turkestan City 2020, Alem Publishing House, Shymkent
        • The place of music in the formation of civilization. Turkestan International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference 2018, Alem Publishing House, Shymkent, ISBN 978-9965-677-75-5
        • The place of teacher-teacher in the formation of the foundations of life value for high school students. "Bulletin of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University" No. 1 (73) 2018, publishing house of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University ISSN 2306-5079,ISSN 2306-5079
        • Penetration of Kazakh folk music into students' consciousness. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Research, trends and expected results of professional training of teachers of creative amateur activities," dedicated to the implementation of the state program "Modernization of public consciousness." Turkestan 2019
        • Place of music in the formation of civilization: Ainabekova N./International scientific and practical Internet conference in Turkestan 2018, publishing house "Alem" in Shymkent, ISBN 978-9965-677-75-5
        • The place of teacher in the formation of the basics of life among high school students: Ainabekova N.T., Umirkhanova S.A./Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Union
        • Pedagogical principles and skills of Professor M.M. Burunchin in the choral art of Kazakhstan, Pedagogy and art/2 (82) 2020.
        • "The development of creativity teaches music in the context of modernization." International Scientific and Practical Conference, Vancouver, Canada
        • Features of the development of the choral repertoire by senior students: Ainabekova N.T./" Bulletin of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University "No. 1 (67) 2017, publishing house of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University ISSN 2306-5079
        • On the patterns in the choir of students: Ainabekova N.T., Umirkhanova S.A., Aitzhanova J.N./Practical Conference Research Center "Dialogue" in Ivanovo, Russia 2017, publishing house "Ip Tsvetkov," ISBN 978-5-990.
        • Spiritual education is a decisive step into the future: Ainabekova N.T./" Kazakhstan Higher School "No. 4 2017, publishing house of the magazine" Kazakhstan Higher School. " Almaty, ISSN 1506-1749
        • Formation of professional and creative activity of the future music teacher: Ainabekova N.T./" Bulletin of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University "No. 6 2016, Almaty, publishing house of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, ISSN 2306-5079
        • Use of Kazakh classical opera choirs in the training process: N.T. Ainabekova/International Scientific Journal ISKENIS - Appendix No. 4 2013, Almaty, mini-printing house of the journal "Kazakhstan Higher School," ISSN 1506-1722.
        • Aіnabekova N.T. The role of a teacher-musician in the formation of the foundations of life values   of high school students. "Music, Education, Personality" (dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Higher School of Music of the RS (Ya) (Institute) named after V.A. Bosikov) International Scientific and Practical Conference. 05.12.2023.
        • Aіnabekova N.T. Kazakh choral musik. Working with diction and orthoepia. Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, international scientific and practical online conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Music Education: History, Research, Experience and Prospects." 21.12 21, Kazakhstan, Almaty (pp. 44-48).
        • Aіnabekova N.T. Choral singing as a development of the musical and aesthetic education of elementary school students. International scientific and practical (online/offline) conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the training of specialists in music education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Formation and development of music and pedagogical education in Kazakhstan." 09.03.2023. - pp. 77-81. (co-authored with Aitzhanova Zh.N.).
        • Aіnabekova N.T.  Ways to use classical opera choirs in the learning process. Art and culture: The main trends in the development of science in the 21st century. Materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Online Conference on October 31, 2023. - pp. 76-80.
        • Shanbayev Yesbol

          Position: Master, senior lecturer

        • Information

        Shanbayev Yesbol

        Position: Master, senior lecturer


        Shanbayev Esbol Zharylkasynovich graduated from the Abai Humanitarian College in Taraz in 2004-2008. 2008-2012 studied at the Kazakh National Conservatory. Kurmangazy in Almaty.

        2013-2015, Almaty. Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, Master of Art History.

        Since 2015, she has been working at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.


        • Higher education. Soloist, teacher.
        • Zhambyl Humanitarian College named after Abai. 2004-2008 Taraz
        • Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory. 2008-2012, Almaty.
        • Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, Master of Art History. 2013-2015, Almaty.

        1. Training of specialists according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016 "Anti-corruption management systems". (72 hours). November 20, 2020. Manager of the anti-corruption management system.

        2. "Fundamentals of Cyberpedagogy. Methods and technologies of distance learning". (72 hours). 21.11.2020 Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University Center of Pedagogical Excellence.

        3. "musical and performing skills". (72 hours). 13.11.2020 J. Kazakhstan Regional Center for Advanced Training


        • Methodology of traditional musical art of education and upbringing
        • Traditional musical direction of the updated educational program


        • Within the framework of the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Turkey, a round table was held on the topic "IV. Uluslararasi Turk Dunyasi Arastirmalari Sempozyumu» 26-28 Nisan 2017.
        • VII International Symposium of Turkic World Studies on 21.10.2020
        • Shynar Umirkhanova

          Position: Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences

        • Information

        Shynar Umirkhanova

        Position: Senior Lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences


        Umirkhanova  Shynar  is a graduate of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, received a master's degree from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University.

        In 2006-2010 she worked as a music teacher, the head of the choir in the state institution "Comprehensive School No. 13."

        Since 2011 - teacher of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.


        • Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University
        • Choir conductor, teacher, Kazakh National Kurmangazy Conservatory
        • Teacher music , choir conductor,   P.I.Chaikovski Almaty  College of Music


        • Field of music education


        • Textbook for students of the 3rd year of choral conducting - a textbook. Lantar Trade Publishing House 2020
        • Place of creative activity in personal education. Priority areas of professional training of teachers of creative specialties - 2020: research, trends and expected results in the future "PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE ISBN 978-9965-840-81-4 Turkestan City 2020, Alem Publishing House, Shymkent
        • The place of music in the formation of civilization. Turkestan International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference 2018, Alem Publishing House, Shymkent, ISBN 978-9965-677-75-5
        • The place of teacher-teacher in the formation of the foundations of life value for high school students. "Bulletin of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University" No. 1 (73) 2018, publishing house of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University ISSN 2306-5079,ISSN 2306-5079
        • Penetration of Kazakh folk music into students' consciousness. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Research, trends and expected results of professional training of teachers of creative amateur activities," dedicated to the implementation of the state program "Modernization of public consciousness." Turkestan 2019
        • Place of music in the formation of civilization: Umirkhanova S.A./ ./International scientific and practical Internet conference in Turkestan 2018, publishing house "Alem" in Shymkent, ISBN 978-9965-677-75-5
        • The place of teacher in the formation of the basics of life among high school students: Ainabekova N.T., Umirkhanova S.A./Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Union
        • Pedagogical principles and skills of Professor M.M. Burunchin in the choral art of Kazakhstan, Pedagogy and art/2 (82) 2020.
        • "The development of creativity teaches music in the context of modernization." International Scientific and Practical Conference, Vancouver, Canada
        • Features of the development of the choral repertoire by senior students: Umirkhanova S.A.//" Bulletin of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University "No. 1 (67) 2017, publishing house of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University ISSN 2306-5079
        • On the patterns in the choir of students: Ainabekova N.T., Umirkhanova S.A., Aitzhanova J.N./Practical Conference Research Center "Dialogue" in Ivanovo, Russia 2017, publishing house "Ip Tsvetkov," ISBN 978-5-990.
        • Spiritual education is a decisive step into the future: Umirkhanova S.A./Kazakhstan Higher School "No. 4 2017, publishing house of the magazine" Kazakhstan Higher School. " Almaty, ISSN 1506-1749
        • Formation of professional and creative activity of the future music teacher: Ainabekova N.T./" Bulletin of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University "No. 6 2016, Almaty, publishing house of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, ISSN 2306-5079
        • Use of Kazakh classical opera choirs in the training process: Umirkhanova S.A.//International Scientific Journal ISKENIS - Appendix No. 4 2013, Almaty, mini-printing house of the journal "Kazakhstan Higher School," ISSN 1506-1722.
        • Baltieva Rakhilyam

          Position: Senior lecturer

        • Information

        Baltieva Rakhilyam

        Position: Senior lecturer


        Baltieva Rakhilyam is a graduate of the Republican Kazakh secondary special music school named after A. Zhubanov with at the specialty «Choral conducting» (1990). In 1995 she graduated from the Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abai. In 2014, she received a master's degree from the Kazakh state women's pedagogical university in the specialty 5B010600-"Music education".

        Baltieva Rakhilyam Yusupovna began her professional career in 1995 at the Kazakh state women's pedagogical university at the department of Choral conducting as a teacher, in 2001 she received the position of senior lecturer. In 2014, she received an academic degree of Master of pedagogical sciences. To this day, she works as a senior lecturer at the Kazakh state women's pedagogical university at the department of Music.

        Baltieva Rakhilyam Yusupovna continuously works in the field of education. For her impeccable and long-term work in the higher education system, a great contribution to the training of qualified specialists and significant results in scientific, pedagogical and social work, she received the following awards:

        • 1999 Diploma "The best curator of the year" of the Kazakh state women's pedagogical university.
        • 2001 Laureate of the choral festival of Almaty.
        • 2013 "TESEKKUR BELGESI" Akdenis universitesi gusel sanatlar fakultesi 2013 tarihleri.
        • 2018 Letter of thanks " I express my sincere gratitude for the great contribution to the development of the Kazakh state women's pedagogical university and active activity in the training of specialists". Rector G. Aldambergenova
        • 2019. Letter of thanks at the regional festival of art of schoolchildren "Children's creativity-2019". The jury expresses its gratitude for the work and contribution to the formation of children's creative abilities. Director of the school house No. 3 Isakova S. E.
        • 2019. Certificate of honor "For impeccable and long-term work in the higher education system, a great contribution to the training of qualified specialists and significant results in scientific, pedagogical and social work. Nur-Sultan.
        • 2020. Letter of thanks at the International competition "You are beautiful more than anything in the world", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Sh. Kaldayakov, gratitude is announced for the contribution to the art and training of a talented performer", Almaty.


        • Master of pedagogical sciences, Kazakh state women's pedagogical university. (Kazakhstan, Almaty).
        • High school music teacher, teacher of choral disciplines, Almaty state university named after Abai. (Kazakhstan, Almaty).


        • The embodiment of the ideas of patriotic education in the works of K.Kuzhamiyarov: Baltieva R.Yu /International scientific journal "Heritage of the Nation" No. 1(1) /2009, pp. 84-87.
        • Adaptation and self-realization of personality: Baltieva R.Yu., Bekmukhamedov B. M./ Proceedings of the IV International scientific and practical conference, Moscow, 2011, pp. 19-22.
        • The significance of K.Kuzhamiyarov's musical and pedagogical activity in the national cultural heritage: Baltieva R.Yu./ Scientific and methodological journal "Elementary School" No. 3, 2011, ISSN 0207-5474.
        • Contribution to the development of the national staff of the composer K.Kuzhamiyarov: Baltieva R.Yu./.Republican scientific and methodological journal "Secondary school of Kazakhstan", No. 4 (109) 2012, ISSN 1814-8379.
        • Pedagogical and psychological possibilities of K.Kuzhamiyarov's musical works: Baltieva R.Yu. / Republican scientific and methodological, psychological journal "Questions of psychology" No. 5 2013, pp.10-12
        • Anthology for choir: Baltieva R.Yu., Kilybaev D.Zh. / Textbook, Almaty, 2014, 60 printed sheets.
        • Choral creativity of K. Kuzhamiyarov in the pedagogical aspect: Baltieva R.Yu./Scientific and methodological, pedagogical journal "Elementary School" No. 3 - 4, 2014, ISSN 0207-5474.
        • Pedagogical outlook in the creativity of composer G.Zhubanova: Baltieva R.Yu/ Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference "Continuity of the history experience of the Kazakh khanate" dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate. Almaty, 2015. ISBN 978-601-224-642-1.
        • Review of the musical and pedagogical heritage of K.Kuzhamiyarov: Baltieva R.Yu./II International Symposium of research of the Turkic world. Almaty, 2015. ISBN 978-601-224-649-0.
        • Basic principles of vocal and choral chants in the process of teaching children choral singing: Baltieva R.YU /Bulletin No. 4(64) Kazakh state women's pedagogical university, Almaty, 2016. ISSN 2306-5079.
        • The importance of the musical repertoire in the process of teaching students in the conditions of musical and pedagogical university education on the subject of Choral conducting: Baltieva R.Yu /Preschool and primary education: expansion of the educational environment. Materials of the International conference "Readings of Ushinsky" of the pedagogical faculty of Yaroslavl, 2017.
        • Young people should be able to appreciate spiritual values: Baltieva R.YU / «Kazak uni» No. 44-45 (761) 7.11.2017, p.16.
        • On the question of the meaning of articulation in the process of forming the singing voice of future music teachers: Baltieva R.YU /Topical issues of scientific research. Collection of scientific papers on materials of the XIII International scientific and practical conference (Ivanovo, 2017). ISBN 978-5-9909873-3-3.
        • Issues of international education in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the process of training a future music teacher: Baltieva R.Yu./ "Musical culture and education: innovative ways of development". Materials of the III International scientific and practical conference. Yaroslavl, 2018. p.14-16.
        • The importance of G.Zhubanova's musical creativity in the process of teaching future music teachers: BaltievaR.YU./International scientific and practical conference. The topic "Professional training of teachers of creative specialties: search, trends and prospects - dedicated to the implementation of the state program «Rukhani zhangyruda». International Kazakh - Turkish university named after H.A.Yasavi, 2018. The city of Turkestan. ISBN 978-9965-677-75-5.
        • Anthology for choir: Baltieva R.Yu. / Textbook, Almaty, 2019. 6.75 printed sheets.
        • Educated generation-support of the country: Baltieva R.YU / «Kazak uni» No. 48 (866) Almaty, 2.12.2019.
        • Aesthetic education based on the material of Kazakh choral music: Baltieva R.Yu./ "Musical culture and education: innovative ways of development". Materials of the V International scientific and practical conference. Yaroslavl, April, 2020.
        • Spiritual wealth is a precious treasure: Baltieva R.YU / Published on the website of the newspaper «Kazak uni». Almaty, 5.04.2021.
        • Some questions about the selection of repertoire at music lessons in secondary schools, reflecting a patriotic theme based on the material of song and music culture: VI International scientific and practical conference "Music culture and education: innovative ways of development". Yaroslavl, 22.04.2021.
        • Musical and pedagogical characteristics of K. Kuzhamiyarov's creative heritage: Baltieva R.Yu./ Monograph. Almaty, 2021. 6,0 printed sheet


        • Reflexive competence as an important condition for preparing future teach Pedagogigal  Scienges bulletin of Abai Kaznpu№2(78), 2023g ers 
        • Musical and pedagogical characteristics of K.Kozhamiyarov's creative heritage
          Издательство» ОНОН "     г. Алматы
          ONON Publishing House, Almaty
        • Educational conditions of the "linear" and Bologna education systems" in Kazakhstan and abroad. Bulletin of Kyrgyzstan No. 2 (1), 2023 p.35
        • "A textbook on choral conducting"        Textbook p.110 Kaznatszhenpu
          Almaty city.2019.
        • The importance of choosing a repertoire reflecting a patriotic theme based on the material of musical culture in music lessons in secondary schools.        Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University International Conference "Music Education: History, research, experience and the Future". On December 21, 2021, Almaty.
          dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
        • Aesthetic education based on the material of Kazakh choral music.        The first International Scientific and Practical Conference."Musical culture and education: innovative ways of development." B.65-67 Yaroslavl, March 13, 2020
        • Some questions about the selection of repertoire in music lessons in secondary schools, reflecting a patriotic theme, based on the material of song and musical cultur VI International Scientific and practical conference "Musical culture and education: innovative ways of development". Yaroslavl, April 22, 2021.e.
        • Ways and methods of organizing independent work in the process of training future music teachers        International scientific and Practical Conference. Ankara, Turkey February 8-11, 2022
        • "" Problems of behavior on stage in the process of preparing future music teachers        Materials of the International scientific and practical online-offline conference dedicated
          to the 60th anniversary of the Department of Personnel training in the specialty "Music education"
          in the Republic of Kazakhstan. December 12, 2022.
        • Aitzhanova Zhanna

          Position: Senior Lecturer

        • Information

        Aitzhanova Zhanna

        Position: Senior Lecturer


        Aitzhanova Zhanna - graduate of the Kazakh State Pedagogical Institute

        In 1992-2002 she worked as a music teacher at gymnasium number 138 in the city of Almaty

        Since 2002 - lecturer at the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.


        • Specialty "Choir conductor" Almaty Music College named after P.I. Tchaikovsky
        • Specialty "Music teacher" Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute


        • Sphere of music education


        • The role of the teacher in the musical training of students: Aitzhanova Zh.N. Internauka 3 (48) 2016, Moscow ISSN2309-2742
        • Methods of studying a choral work: Aitzhanova Zh.N. Internauka 3 (42) 2016, Moscow ISSN2309-1924
        • The creative personality of the future music teacher is an integral part of modern culture: Aitzhanova Zh.N. Kazgoszhenpu magazine "Vesnik" No. 6-2016. ISSN 2306-5079
        • "On the regularities of the functioning of the choir management in the activities of students - musicians" Aitzhanova Zh.N., Ainabekova N.T. , Umirkhanova Sh.A., / Scientific and Practical Conference, Research Center "Dialogue, Ivanovo 2017, Russia RSCI, ISSN 2306-5079
        • Use of visual teaching aids in music lessons. Aitzhanova Zh.N. , Kakimova L.Sh. "Vesnik" magazine of Abai Kaznpu №4-2017. ISSN 1728-5496
        • Techniques for working on choral solfeeding in the choir class: Aitzhanova Zh.N. / International scientific and practical conference. The topic "Professional training of teachers of creative specialties: search, trends and prospects - dedicated to the implementation of the state program" Rukhani zhagyru ". International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasavi 2018. Turkestan, ISBN 978-9965-677-75-5
        • Issues of musical and aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren in secondary schools. Aitzhanova Zh.N. Search # 4 \ 2019 ISSN-1560-1730
        • Choral solfedging as a factor in activating the vocal and choral activities of the future teacher-musician. Aitzhanova Zh.N., Sadykova R.Sh. Science and Life of Kazakhstan (International Journal) No. 12 \ 3 (149) 2020. ISSN2073-333X
        • Conducting reader for 3rd year students. Aitzhanova Zh.N., Ainabekova N.T., Umirkhanova Sh.A. Almaty 2020 ISBN978-601-7607-24-1

        Proceedings of the international conference in near and far abroad:

        • Training of a music teacher in the context of modernization of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the project “Abirov’s World” “Art in a multicultural society: traditions and innovations” 1st International scientific and practical online conference Almaty, 2020. Pages 106-109
        • Choral singing as the development of musical and aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren. II International Forum on art education, art and culture between China, Russia and the countries of Eurasian cooperation. Collection of materials from the II International Forum on issues of art education, art and culture between China, Russia and the countries of Eurasian cooperation. - Kirov, 2023. - pp. 34-37.

        Articles at international and national scientific and practical conferences:

        • The problem of development of a teacher-musician. “Formation and development of music pedagogical education in Kazakhstan.” International scientific and practical (online/offline) conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the training of music education specialists in the Republic of Kazakhstan.03/09/2023. - pp. 74-77. (Umirkhanov Sh.A. in co-authorship).
      • Dauir Dauren

        Position: Teacher


         Dauir Dauren - On May 26, 1978, the qualification "Concert Leader, Accordion Precedent" of the Almaty State Kurmangazy Conservatory was held.


        • Kazakh national conservatory named after Kurmangazy


        • Formation of instrumental performance skills in well-rounded future music teachers


        • International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan and the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev "Modern VUCA world: from musical performance and artistic understanding of space to society" Astana 2021 h. 14 mamyrs (124-134str)
        • Collection of materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists "Youth and Science: Present and Future". Almaty, 2021.S. (373-375b)
      • Burunchin Murat

        Position: Professor


        Burunchin Murat Minaidarovich in 1990 passed a scientific internship at the Pedagogical Institute of the city of Kiev. M. M. Burunchin is the author of textbooks, educational and methodological complexes, educational programs in the specialty "Music education". He is the author of more than 50 textbooks, educational and methodological manuals, anthologies, scientific articles.

        M. M. Burunchin is an Excellent student of culture (2013), an honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2009).


        • Associate Professor (HAC) 2001, by the Decision of the Academic Council of Kazakh national women's pedagogical university dated December 24, 2010. (Protocol No. 3) he was awarded the title of Professor.


        • State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy – specialty-choir conductor, teacher of conducting and choral disciplines in Almaty.


        • Republican Center for Advanced Training "Orleu", Almaty, 2014


        • Methods of music education and upbringing.


        • Textbook "Music" 5th grade, 2001
        • Educational and methodological manual for students of music faculties.
        • Musical and didactic dictionary of terms. - Almaty, 2000
        • A methodological manual to help students of the correspondence department of music and pedagogical faculties studying the course "Choral arrangement". - Almaty, 2004
        • The methodology of working with a school song in the choral conducting class. - Almaty, 2008
        • The problem of knowledge integration –a new direction in pedagogical science. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Traditional musical culture of the peoples of Central Asia". - Almaty, 2009
        • "Technical, aesthetic and psychological aspects of conducting art research". Science and world international scientific journal No. 6 (10), 2014, Vol. l
        • "The psychological aspect of scene excitement". Collection of articles on the materials of the international scientific and practical conference No. 1 (52). - Moscow, 2017
        • "The possibilities of the discipline "Choral conducting" in the formation of creative thinking of future music teachers". Materials of the scientific and practical Internet conference. - Turkestan, 2018
        • Ways to activate creative thinking of students in the choral conducting class.
          Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University, International scientific and practical online conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic "Music education: history, research, experience and prospects", 12/21/2021, Kazakhstan, Almaty (pp. 44-48).
        • Issues of repertoire policy in the children's choir. International scientific and practical (online/offline) conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the training of music education specialists of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Formation and development of music pedagogical education in Kazakhstan".03/9/2023. - pp. 103-107.
        • Ibraimova Ayaulym Kegenbayovna

          Position: Teacher of the educational program

        • Information

        Ibraimova Ayaulym Kegenbayovna

        Position: Teacher of the educational program


        Ayaulym Kegenbayovna Ibraimova is a graduate of Almaty Music College named after P. I. Chaikosky in 2004-2009. In 2009, he graduated from the Faculty of Kazakh folk instruments with the specialty "Dombira, cello, conductor" and became a teacher of the BMM, an artist of an ensemble, a leader of an orchestra of artistic folk instruments.In 2010-2013, the Kazakh State Girls' Pedagogical University was awarded the academic degree of Bachelor of Education in the specialty of music education.2018-2020 Kazakh National Girls' Pedagogical University was awarded the Master of Pedagogical Sciences degree on the music education program. He started his professional career in 2015 as a music teacher and leader of choir, drum, and ensemble circles of the school No. 198. In 2019-2022, he worked as a teacher of music and tambourine in a preschool kindergarten in Almaty. Senior director at the Kazakh National Kurmangazy Conservatory in 2019-2022. Since 2009, orchestra accompanist at P. I. Tchaikovsky Music College.


        • Almaty Music College named after P. I. Chaikosky. (2004-2009)
        • Kazakh State Girls' Pedagogical University (2010-2013)
        • Kazakh National Pedagogical University for Girls Master (2018-2020)


        • higher professional education, patriotism education of the young generation, innovations in education.
        • modern musical and pedagogical education.


        • Bakhytbek Nurgul

          Position: Teacher, master of sciences

        • Information

        Bakhytbek Nurgul

        Position: Teacher, master of sciences


        Bakhytbek Nurgul  is a graduate of the music college named after Kazangap (Kyzylorda) in the specialty «Dombra» (2001-2005). By the decision of the State qualification commission of June 13, 2005, she was awarded the qualification "Teacher, orchestra and ensemble artist" In 2005,

        fully mastered the program of higher professional education of the Kazakh national conservatory named after Kurmangazy in the specialty "Traditional musical art", by the decision of the State attestation commission of May 26, 2009, she was awarded the qualification "Orchestra artist, teacher"."Application of critical technologies based on the concept of updated education in educational institutions", 72 hours, 2020;

        "Fundamentals of cyber pedagogy. Methods and technologies of distance learning", 72 hours, 2020;

        "Musical and performing skills", 72 hours, 2020;

        "Management in education: modern digital and information technologies in education and distance learning", 72 hours, 2020.


        • Kazakh national conservatory named after Kurmangazy (2005-2009)
        • Master of arts (Kazakh national conservatory named after Kurmangazy)


        • Influence of the song on the mood of the song in the Aralo-Kazalinsky district
        • Ashirova Assia Maratqyzy

          Position: Teacher, Master of Art Sciences.

        • Information

        Ashirova Assia Maratqyzy

        Position: Teacher, Master of Art Sciences.


        Ashirova Assia Maratqyzy in 2006 successfully graduated from the music school in them. M. Tulebaev in the city of Saryagash, after which, in the same year she entered the RSSMAL named after V. Uspensky, Tashkent for the specialty of special piano in the class of teacher T.N. Sotnikova From 2010 to 2012 studied at the South Kazakhstan College of Music with a degree in piano in the class of teacher A.A. Ibraeva, Shymkent. In 2012, she entered the Kazakh National Conservatory. Kurmangazy in the class of Professor Massover S.A. majoring in piano.

        Immediately after graduation in 2016, she entered the magistracy of the KNK named after Kurmangazy with a degree in instrumental performance in the class of Professor Massover S.A. She began her pedagogical activity in 2018 at the RECK named after Zh.Lebekov as a teacher of the "General Piano." Since 2019, she worked at the RSSSMSHI for gifted children named after K. Baiseitova, teacher of the chamber ensemble and quartet (full-time), combined the work of the teacher of the Department of General Piano at the KNK named after Kurmangazy


        • Children's Music School No. 1 named after M. Tulebaev - specialty piano class teacher Moon N.P. (1999-2006 Saryagash);
        • Republican secondary-specialized musical academic lyceum named after V. Uspensky - specialty piano class teacher T.N. Sotnikova (2006-2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan);
        • South Kazakhstan College of Music - specialty piano class teacher A.A. Ibraeva (2010-2012, Shymkent);
        • Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy - specialty piano class Professor Massover S.A. (Bachelor, 2012-2016, Almaty);
        • Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy - specialty piano class Professor Massover S.A. (magistracy, 2012-2016, Almaty).


        • higher vocational education, innovations in music and pedagogical education.
        • modern performing, musical and pedagogical education.


        • Bulletin of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy SARYN Frt and Science Journal No. 4. "On the peculiarities of the manifestation of the principle of variability in the piano works of Bakhtiar Amanjol."
        • Bulletin of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy SARYN Frt and Science Journal No. 3. "Features of the manifestation of improvisation in the modern piano work of Kazakh composers."
