А meeting with media trainer Jamilya Maricheva was held

    • А meeting with media trainer Jamilya Maricheva was held

      On February 21, as part of the activities of the Center for Women's Leadership and Entrepreneurship, a meeting was held with Jamilya Maricheva, editor, media trainer, founder of the ProTenge project.

      During the meeting, Jamilya Maricheva shared her experience in independent media, and also told how to make and distribute content on social networks, about fact-checking in journalism, noting the importance of the social media platform in the modern world.

      The speaker paid special attention to the author's project Protenge, which publishes the results of investigations into tenders and public procurement.

      Questions were asked of the speaker by the students, as well as comprehensive answers were received. After the lecture, the students took joint photos with Jamilya Maricheva, personally expressing gratitude for the informative meeting and visit to our university.
