Republican Student Subject Olympiad in OP 6B02102-Choreography

    • Republican Student Subject Olympiad in OP 6B02102-Choreography

      On March 27, 2023, the Republican Student Subject Olympiad in OP 6B02102-Choreography, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Abirov Dauren Tastanbekovich, was held at the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography.

      In the second round of the Olympiad, the team of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University "Tomiris" took 2nd place.

      Team "Tomiris": Kabylova Alua - 3rd year, Kalymova Asylayym - 2nd year, Begimkulova Dilfuza - 2nd year 3rd year, Konurbayeva Adina - 2nd year 3rd year, leaders: doctor PhD Kusanova Anipa Yerlankyzy, master, senior lecturer Bakirova Samal Abilpattashkyzy.
