QYZPU scientists started to publish more in the world's most prestigious scientific journals

    • QYZPU scientists started to publish more in the world's most prestigious scientific journals

      The number of published scientific articles of teachers of Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University in the most prestigious journals of the world has increased 2-fold over the past three years. According to the data of the department of monitoring of scientific editions, scientific editions of the USA, Great Britain and South Africa, included in the first and second quartiles of international bases SCOPUS and Web of Science, published articles of more than 60 scientists.

      According to the information, 17 articles were published in 2020, and in 2021 world editions printed 38 articles of scientists of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University. In 2022, 34 articles were published. As of the beginning of November this year, the number of publications amounted to 27 articles. Positive dynamics is also observed on joint publications in co-authorship with foreign scientists in the SCOPUS database.


      The selection of the most rated scientific journals this year passed articles of scientists Shynar Tazhibaeva, Bauyrzhan Sikinbaev, Samal Bakirova and Svetlana Shakirova in co-authorship with other Kazakh and foreign scientists.

      For example, a young researcher Samal Bakirova published an article Highlights of Digital Technologies Application for Choreography Teaching: The Case of Kazakhstan in the British journal Research in Dance Education. The article describes the main aspects of digital technologies application for choreography teaching on the example of Kazakhstan. 

      Bauyrzhan Sikinbaev's article on the problem of parents' competence as teachers in the field of auditory development of children with cochlear implants also aroused the interest of the American Journal of Psycholinguistic Research

      One of the first authors of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University to publish an article in the South African Pharos Journal of Theology was Shynar Tazhibaeva. The role of Zhusypbek Aimautov in the development of philosophical and theological concepts in Kazakh literary criticism was published in co-authorship with other scholars. 

      Svetlana Shakirova co-authored a major comparative study on Managers' dispositions toward formal contracts: A cross-country examination. The work was published in the American Journal of Business Research. 

      All published materials have been entered into the European scientific database SCOPUS. Note that SCOPUS indexes more than 22 thousand journals of the world and allows you to see the citation index of each author.


