2nd year undergraduate student took second place in the competition of poster reports at the international scientific and practical conference

    • 2nd year undergraduate student took second place in the competition of poster reports at the international scientific and practical conference

      2nd year master's student of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University Zhanbota Erzat took second place in the competition of poster reports at the international scientific and practical conference. The competition was held at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. A 2nd year master's student analyzed ways to implement innovative methods and forms in the holistic pedagogical process.

      As a result, by the decision of the competition commission, Zhanbota Erzat was awarded a Diploma of the II degree.

      The scientific supervisor of the young researcher Zhanbota Erzat is Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, acting Professor Kulbarshyn Meterbayeva.
