The winner of the international scientific competition

    • The winner of the international scientific competition

      ALMATY. February 24. Press center – The research project was recognized as the best! 1st year undergraduate of the Institute of History and Foreign Languages ​​of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University Aisana Anarbay took second place in the international competition of scientific projects «Science and Technology».

      The project "Effectiveness of the use of audio and video materials in teaching foreign languages ​​to students" is very relevant today. According to the author of the project, the research will determine the effectiveness of the use of audio and video materials in the study of several languages ​​by schoolchildren.

      - Our main goal is to help improve the language skills of students. In order to achieve this goal, we have focused on the development of language competence in a pandemic situation, using various multimedia tools, - said Aisana Anarbay.

      The project provides ways for the teacher to increase the interest and enthusiasm of all students when working with the video. Types of communicative activities such as listening, speaking, reading and writing are also explained in detail.

      According to Akshayim Zhalalova, Head of the Department of Foreign Language Teaching Methods, the research supervisor of the young applicant, the use of audio and video materials in English lessons develops the ability of students to quickly master the language and expand the horizons of knowledge.

      It's worth noting that the international competition was organized by Academician EA Organized by Karaganda University named after Buketov and Erzurum University named after Ataturk in Turkey.

      The main purpose of the event is to develop corporate ties and academic cooperation between universities, increase the motivation of students in research and foreign language training.

      The works submitted for the competition were analyzed and studied on the basis of scientific novelty, completeness and logical sequence of presentation of the material, the practical significance of the results obtained.

      Press and Public Relations Department

      Contact phone: +7 727 237 00 07

